We want to thank all of you and each one of you for supporting the new launch (online event) of the Mediterranean Association for Philosophy with Children (MAPwC).

Thanks for the kind and warm blessing by ICPIC's new president, Marina Santi, and Sophia's president, Emma Swinn.
Thanks for the excellent keynote presentation of Roger Sutcliffe.
Thanks for the Great presentations of Joana (Portugal), Elena (Greece), Soufiane (Morocco), and Sigal (Israel).

Dozens of dear friends and attendees came from around the world: Montclair, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, England, Israel, Morocco, and much more.

Your presence was essential to us as a support at this starting point and for the rest of our dialogical path.
Looking forward to sharing our future projects and working together for the best of our beloved Mediterranean area.
Arie & Soufiane for MAPwC,